Peru - The well-known security research organization ESET has recently said that they detected the outbreak of the new worm program which is the theft for the drawings and design documents of AutoCAD software in Peru two months ago. The worm is called ACAD which is the spread through infected AutoCAD template. This program had stolen thousands of documents to send back to the e-mail of China. All of us would familiar with the cad software, AutoCAD 2013, Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 and Autodesk AutoCAD 2012. But you should not know about this kind of hack software which could steal the drawings and design documents of the cheap AutoCAD around the world.

Today, the famous seller for the genuine AutoCAD 2013, AutoCAD lt 2012 and other cheap AutoCAD software which website is would tell you the detailed information about this newly hack program.

Unlike the common high-tech, military-grade malicious software such as Flamer, the ACAD was written in a scripting language with AutoCAD software. Apart from the large scale of this worm in Peru, there is also a slight trail in other countries but these countries are also close to Peru. As for why the creator of the ACAD chooses for Peru, the reason is currently in doubt. Security researchers said that the infection rates of this malicious software are fallen which means that it does not belong to a targeted attack activity.

The online seller autodeskmarket has said that malicious software which had been designed to steal architects and engineers design documents has indicated that there would be the underground industrial cyber espionage. In earlier of this year, the security company has found malicious software which was designed to steal the AutoCAD design file.

The malware researcher whose name is Pierre Marc Bureau has said that the company acquired sample has shown that this kind of malicious software was written by list processing language program. It is used to steal sensitive information such as the "blueprint". This kind of blueprint is designed by the AutoCAD software such as the Autodesk autocad lt 2012 . Bureau has said that Peru is the first choice of this kind of malware but this is a global phenomenon. Some analysts have pointed out that this malicious software has sent the stolen AutoCAD files to China.

Bureau said that the infection occurred by the autocad D files. If you're exchanging files with other companies, you may have been infected. It seems to be the targeted espionage perhaps where people want to be informed of the actions of competitors bidding but this malware appears to the phenomenon of widely spread.

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