Brand Reputation via Digital-Taking your Brand in other Level
ATUL MALIKRAM-9755020247
Brand Reputation is simply an analysis of the perception of the customer towards the name.
Whether this is for any Individual or Company, the brand is always view by others. And it can be
favorable or unfavorable related to any name of the brand. The brand is the result of
continuous efforts and hard work done by the person or group of person. The favorable brand
Reputation means that there is a positive perception in the mind of customers and they feel
good to purchase your goods or services. Adverse brand reputation is the feeling of discontent,
when goods and services are used.
As compare with shaping the brand the hardest work is to maintain the brand name, traditional
advertisement in newspaper, television or via other mode has been the means of
communication with the customers. But today companies are moving from traditional way to
another way of advertisement to maintain Public relation with their customer and the emerge
of Social Media and Digital have come up with the new revolution.
Digitalization of Brands
Reputation is one of the most important assets of the brand. Digital Media and Social Media
have made the new world for the Brand by which any Company or person can communicate
directly with their customer. It is only now possible for the companies to be connected 24x7
with the customer. In the same way, customers also are able to get connected with the
company 24x7.
Building reputation with use of Digital and Social Media has given the new access to the
companies to make a connection with the customers. Atul Malikram is an Expert in Public
Relation he says ‘the Digital and Social Media is a more efficient way to make a direct
connection with the customer. The use of Social Media Platform such as Facebook, Tweeter and
LinkedIn etc. have constructed their own digital world. Building and maintaining relationships
has never been easier before what we are seeing now’. Those of which are in sales and
marketing have always known the value of relationship building, but now everyone needs to
make a priority. New website, blogging, online ads, search engine marketing and contests, all
can increase traffic, clicks and even sales. But reputation cannot be achieved even the by the
established companies.
The growth of Brand through Digital network is totally related to the quality of marketing been
done. Content which is providing must be of standard, delivering the manner what exactly the