“Students can write about their dream of future India and win exciting gifts”

Students can win exciting prizes this August-15 by participating in an online essay competition on the theme “My India, My dream”. This essay competition aims at connecting millions of Indians through their dreams as envisioned by Dr.Abdul Kalam, the former President of India. "Dream, dream and dream and convert these into thoughts and later into actions." Also to "think big". "We are a nation of a billion people and we must think like a nation of a billion people. Only then can we become big”

Essay size can be between 200 to 1000 words about their dream about future India. The last date to apply for the first round of this contest is on or before August 11th 6PM. Application forms for the same is available at www.myindiamydream.com. The competition is free for all school/college going students.

First round of winners will be declared on August-15 and it will be based on the votes the readers cast and by verification of expert panel. Gifts will be distributed through respective student‘s school / college.

Organizers of this contest believe that above winning in this contest, participants will be able to think big and set big goals for our country .The comments & votes from other people will make participants more committed towards achieving their dream.

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Note -1: My India, My Dream - movement dedicated to the upliftment of young and youth of India.
2 : Publishers who interested in publishing best written dreams out of this can contact us for free publishing rights (with author details).
3: Photos and more details of this press release is available in www.myindiamydream.com/press or call 09500010101