Tooth decay remains one of the most typically diagnosed health problems in the world and is found in individuals of all ages. Even with all of the advances that continue to take place within the field of preventive dentistry every single year, daily habits can start to take a toll on the condition of one's teeth. For many, the only solution to this problem will be inlays and onlays, two of the leading treatment options for tooth decay that have taken place on the biting surface of the tooth.

There are two primary steps when it comes to preventing serious amounts of decay on the teeth. The first step is to carry out basic oral hygiene habits within the home as often as possible. Dentists agree that individuals should brush and floss multiple times a day for at least two minutes, cleaning each and every tooth. It is also important to seek out regular dental checkups at least once every six months in order to remove any difficult to reach buildups of plaque and tartar.

When these substances are not completely removed from the mouth with regular cleaning, they will gradually attack the teeth as well as the gums. In the end, this can result in gum disease and tooth decay. For minor amounts of tooth decay along the front or back side of the tooth, dental fillings may be sufficient to restore the integrity of the tooth as well as the appearance. When the decay is more advanced and has taken place on the biting surface of the tooth, inlays or onlays may be necessary.

Inlays are a very durable composite that is stained to match the color of the tooth. They are placed in the small indentation of the tooth after the decay has been removed and the area has been allowed to dry. The dentist will often use a powerful bonding agent as well as a curing light to keep the inlay on the tooth for years on end.

Onlays are very similar to inlays, but they will extend over the peak of the tooth and then partially down the side. Onlays could be the only choice for some of the most advanced stages of tooth decay that need immediate attention. Once these appliances have been placed within the mouth, patients should carefully adhere to all of the aftercare instructions that have been provided to them. This will include continuing with their brushing and flossing as well as refraining from chewing on hard objects.

These appliances are just some of the choices that are now available to dentists and their patients to completely restore one's oral health as well as the appearance of their smile after decay has taken place.

As a dentist in Torrance, CA, Dr. Mondavi offers different options for restoring damaged teeth. This Torrance inlays, onlays specialist uses these treatment as well to restore minor damages to the teeth.