Throughout the years, it will not take much for a patient to develop some of the most common oral health problems. No matter how pervasive these conditions may be however, any complications with one's gums and teeth should be treated as quickly as possible in order to avoid irreversible damage. This includes individuals that have any amount of damage, decay, or disease without the pulp of their teeth. Here is a look at how this condition develops as well as when a root canal treatment may be required and how this treatment is carried out.

The pulp is the sensitive, living part of the tooth that provides the tooth itself with nutrients. If the tooth ever gets severely damaged or tooth decay is ever left untreated, there is a very good possibility that the pulp of the teeth could become damaged as well. Any exposure to the bacteria of one's mouth could also lead to diseased pulp. There are few warning symptoms that everyone should understand that could be the result of damaged pulp.

Any time there is pain in and around the tooth, the pulp could be injured and patients have to immediately seek out professional medical attention. The level of pain can range from a dull ache anytime that pressure is applied to the teeth to a sharp feeling throughout the day. Other signs to look for include pimples that are forming on the gums around the teeth and pockets of bacteria within the mouth.

If the pulp of the teeth is in fact damaged or decayed, a root canal treatment will often be the only option for protecting the integrity of the tooth and avoiding the spread of the disease. This process begins with the dentist creating a very small hole within the tooth. This hole is made with an advanced tool that will reduce the removal of any of the tooth's outer layers. The pulp will then be carefully extracted and the interior of the tooth will be allowed to drive.

If the disease was severe, the dentist may wish to coat the interior of the tooth with an antibiotic in order to further reduce the chances that the disease will spread. At the conclusion of this period, the hole will need to be filled in order to restore the appearance as well as the integrity of the tooth. This can either be done with a metal filling or a tooth-colored filling that is stained to match the natural teeth.

The moment that any individual notices pain in their mouth or believes that their pulp has been damaged, they need to contact a local dentist right away. This quick and painless treatment will allow them to protect their tooth and the rest of their smile.

Visit for more information. Dr. Mondavi, Torrance root canal treatment expert can give you the information you need about this treatment.